Survey time! Ladies only again :)

I am getting more in depth with my research for my marketing plan for Fashionista Exchange. This qucik survey will take about 5 minutes. It only has 10 questions! I would really appreciate your participation!!! Ladies only

Here’s the link:

By the way- I am extremely thankful for all your help with my sporadic postings! I am getting down to the stressful end of my FINAL semester in college and cannot thank you all enough for your support! Graduation is exactly one month away 😀

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

Thank you,


How Google Makes Money

Yes, I have strayed from my blog. It is HARD WORK! I tried to set aside time to create posts and found myself spending hours coming up with ideas and finding myself with a blank computer screen. Then school (my LAST semester!!!) started back up…. So while I get it up and running, I will keep my posts short and sweet until I can get a groove going 🙂

My Mom recently asked me how Google and Facebook make money. Being a Business/Marketing major I already know how these companies have become insanely successful (and wealthy). However, many people do not know – so here is a quick, to-the-point article I found. (It’s about Google, but the same info applies to many of the sites we use on a daily basis).

Enjoy 🙂 Leave me a comment– I would love some ideas for blog posts, so let me know if there are any marketing/business questions you have! Or if anyone else blogs, tell me how you keep up with it!


Warrior Dash Recap!!


Ok, Warrior Dash! It was the hardest I have ever worked while volunteering, but definitely worth it!! When I arrived at 7:00AM I was adopted by the KC Jeep Club to be part of their volunteer group because someone did not show up and I was a mere individual volunteer. I am SO glad I did this because I met some awesome people and learned about the KC Jeep Club, which sounds like a blast. Anywho, our group got assigned to work the gear check. Let me just tell you, it was chaos!

Everything ran smoothly until around 11:00AM. People were just checking bags in and we were doing what we needed to do. However, when the mud-crusted runners came back for their gear from the first couple heats of the day, all hell broke loose. Bags could not be found for 15+ minutes while other people were trying to check bags in and find the proper place for them. The system was set up by the runners’ bib number that was attached to their belongings and sorted on tables depending on that number. We had about 7 tables under our tent, but the bib numbers that were running from 9:00-2:00 only consisted of the numbers on three tables. So we had a lot of unused space and loads and loads of bags in a third of the tent.

I ran around trying to check bags and return bags and make sure I didn’t pass out in the process (it was hot!). Non-stop work (besides a 10 min break to eat a sandwich) from 7AM-2PM. We volunteers did the best we could and got through the day. Although it was hard work… I loved every bit of it!!! I was able to experience first-hand the unexpected problems that large events can have. This happens all the time in the marketing/event planning field and all you can do is your best. It taught me that everything needs to be integrated in order to run smoothly. The bib numbers should have been distributed evenly throughout the day. Or the gear check should know what the majority of the bib numbers are during that day and plan accordingly. Although it was a stressful few hours, I witnessed the actual staff of Warrior Dash from Chicago working their butts off to maintain as much order as they could without getting flustered or angry at the situation. These Red Froggers ( were passionate about this race and doing all that they could to please the runners and the volunteers. Hats off to all the hard workers out there on Saturday!! I went in expecting to stand in the same spot handing out bananas or picking up trash, but I am pleased that I had an assignment that kept me busy and that I learned from. THANKS WARRIOR DASH!!! Love you guys!!

After volunteering, I was able to walk around and experience the festivities a bit. Check it out:


It was a great time! Leave me a comment and subscribe!


A Small Favor :)

Hello! I have one last assignment for my Online and Direct Marketing class that I need your help with. It is a small survey that takes about 2-3 minutes to complete about UMKC’s business school. Even if you do not go to UMKC or you are not in the business school, your participation would still be greatly appreciated!!! THANK YOU! Just click the link below to start the survey.

Happy Thursday! Thank you!


Taco Tuesday! WARRIOR DASH

Woooohoooo Taco Tuesday! This scrumptious, meaty episode is all about WARRIOR DASH!!!!! Warrior Dash is one of three ultra spectacular races brought to us by Red Frog Events. This weekend (July 30 & 31) is the first time that Warrior Dash will be in Kansas City. I wanted to run the extreme 5k race soooooo bad, but by the time I was ready to sign up it was all booked. So instead…. I decided to VOLUNTEER at the race on Saturday morning! I am so psyched; I just know it is going to be an amazing experience. And believe me, I will be running this next year somewhere in the US. Now I know to sign up as early as possible. Check it out here-

I found out about Warrior Dash from a Facebook ad (they do actually work) and was fascinated and so grateful that this BA race exists. Not only do you get to show off your athleticism, but you also get to party all day long during the festivities! I will be posting about my volunteer experience after the weekend.

*Marketing Mention* Red Frog Events does an awesome job of targeting their consumer. The real life example of me seeing the small ad on Facebook and it capturing my attention enough to click on it proves this point. Businesses can learn a thing or two from them.

All my love and guacamole,


PS. Tell me if you or anyone you know are attending Warrior Dash! Also leave me a comment about the things you love or any marketing questions, concerns or corn chips!

Taco Tuesday! (Fashionably Late)

Hola amigos! Yes, yes… it is Wednesday. Who says you can’t have Taco Tuesday on a Wednesday? Definitely not me.

I am really excited about today’s fully-packed marketing taco — Sporting Club’s membership.

This membership program is not the typical “lets get all these customer’s information so we can solicit stuff to them” marketing stunt. It is truly meant to enhance the fan experience within Sporting Club. It connects you to Sporting Club’s awesome team, Sporting KC (KC’s Major League Soccer team), and will eventually be hooked up to the teams that are coming soon to Sporting Club. It allows members to be the first to know about events going on at the state-of-the-art LIVESTRONG Sporting Park. The more you interact with the club, the more rewards you can gain in the form of points and coins. Check it out!! Even if you aren’t a soccer fan, this program opens up exclusive content about concerts and deals with partners. Definitely worth it!!! AND its FREE. Who wouldn’t want a piece of this action? Here’s the link:

This program is a top-notch way for a company to enhance customer relations. Just a side note- this program was recently launched with the opening of LIVESTRONG Sporting Park (around June 9th) so the program will be growing as Sporting Club grows– this is a great way to become a part of an amazing endeavor and to watch it grow.

Remember you can always comment to suggest things for me to look at and feature in a Taco Tuesday!!! If you love this- pass it on and subscribe!



Taco Tuesday!

That is not me with this taco.

Hello!! Today marks the first ever Taco Tuesday!!! Who doesn’t love tacos? and who doesn’t love awesome stuff? Every Tuesday I will be posting information about stuff I love to get the word out about it. Today I will only feature one website for the introduction of Taco Tuesday. I will usually feature the websites of people, places, and things that I think you should know about! If you have anything that you think I will love (or that others will love) let me know by commenting on this post. I will check it out and feature it in a Taco Tuesday if I agree! BY THE WAY: The taco reference is simply a sentimental release stemming from the fact that I have dreamed of having a social gathering of Taco Tuesdays at my house that I have not started yet…

Taco’s are filled with stuff I love like tomatoes and sour cream; just like this website that’s filled with stuff I love:

Check this out ^^ It seems like tons of people are having babies, and it also seems like tons of people are into saving the environment. So check out Rattle My Crib. Jasmine is the designer/creator/seamstress/babylover and also my sista! Her customized cloth diapers are to die for and they help save a bunch of money and a bunch of landfill space after the initial investment! Perfect for baby shower gifts! Also take a look at the custom crib sets. This woman will be handling most of my baby needs when the time comes for me 🙂 Search Rattle my Crib on Facebook and LIKE it! Pass it on!

Want in on every Taco Tuesday celebration? Just subscribe!



THANK YOU EVERYONE!!! We did it!! I was #3 in the class with 86 subscribers and I do NOT have to take the exam! Don’t worry though, I still have to know the material to take a test to get certified, so the book knowledge will not be disregarded 🙂 I really appreciate all of you that helped me out and subscribed. Please let me know if I can help out with a class or any online/direct marketing needs!

Stay tuned for some fun current events that I will be covering. I am going to mess around with iMovie a bit more so I can bring you entertaining video responses!

Here are a few things I have brewing in my mind to look forward to:

Taco Tuesdays

KC- the Next NYC

Volunteer Sundays

Again, thanks for all the support during my class contest. Check out the About section to learn a tiny bit about me, Erin. As always, feel free to leave a comment about what you would like to see on my blog or any advice about life or simply say hello! EVEN BETTER… Comment and suggest things I should do with my free day on Thursday (since I will not be taking my exam!)!!


Love, Erin

This is Pogo